Early Intervention
This is a New York State and Nassau County Department of Health Program for children zero to three years of age. The Program addresses all aspects of developmental delay at the crucial time for development of these individual domains. To qualify for treatment through the Early Intervention Program, your child has to be evaluated by a qualified evaluator and demonstrate a 33% delay in multiple domains of development. These domains include, Gross and Fine Motor Skills, Speech and Feeding and Cognitive and are serviced by Physical and Occupational Therapists, Speech Therapists and Special education Teachers.

Private Physical Therapy
Physical Therapy is offered for children not qualifying for services through the Early Intervention Program, or for children not covered through their health insurance. We do not bill health insurance, but we provide invoices with billing codes for the family to apply for reimbursement from their health insurance carrier after payment in full for the session.
Physical Training for excellence in sports and for self defense training.
High level sports and self defense training for children with and without physical and cognitive delays and with any type of adaptive equipment, including wheel chairs, walkers, prostheses etc.

We treat children of all ages from premature babies up to and including young adults.
Payment is provided through the Early Intervention Program for children 0-3 years of age who qualify for therapy through the Early Intervention Program. All other children are billed as private pay patients.
Physical Therapy is conducted in the child’s natural environment for optimizing their functional abilities. These may include the child’s home, daycare or any other natural environment that the child experiences on a normal basis.
Please call the number on our contact page or send us an Email directly through our Email address on our contact page, or fill out the contact form on the contact page. We will get back to you as soon as possible.